Jose Hernandez Diaz was born in Anaheim, CA (1984). He is a 2017 NEA Poetry Fellow. He is the author of a collection of prose poems: The Fire Eater (Texas Review Press, 2020).
His work has appeared in The American Poetry Review, Boulevard, Cincinnati Review, Colorado Review, Georgia Review, Huizache, Iowa Review, The Nation, Poetry, POETS.org, The Southern Review, Yale Review, and in The Best American Nonrequired Reading.
He has been a finalist for The Andrés Montoya Poetry Prize, The Colorado Prize, The Akron Prize, The Journal/Wheeler Prize, The Wisconsin Series, and The National Poetry Series. Currently, he is an editor at Frontier Poetry. Additionally, he teaches creative writing for various organizations, including Beyond Baroque, Litro Magazine, The Writer's Center, and elsewhere.

Featured Publications
The Fire Eater
"Surreal, playful, and always poignant, the prose poems in Jose Hernandez Diaz’s masterful debut chapbook introduce us to a mime, a skeleton, and the man in the Pink Floyd t-shirt, all of whom explore their inner selves in Hernandez Diaz’s startling and spare style. With nods to Russell Edson and the surrealists, Hernandez Diaz explores the ordinary and the not-so-ordinary occurrences of life, set against the backdrop of the moon, and the poet’s native Los Angeles." -- TRP Chapbook Series Editors
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TRP Chapbook Series